Wednesday, February 28, 2007


a short clip from one of my favorites serial; brothers and sisters. love the storyline, and of course in love with the casts and their characters in the film (esp. kevin, played by matthew rhys).i really like this scene, super sweet...and of course rhys look irresistible like usual.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

lonely vs. alone

you dont have to be alone to feel lonely

makasih buat kawan2 sekalian yg uda membuktikan klo quote di atas itu emang bener apa adanya...

and another question for you guys: "what would you do if i tell you that im gay???"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

not really a valentine-lover

although yesterday he whispered that he want me back
although i received a box of ferrero
although he called me earlier this morning to greet me happy v-day
although i'm having dinner at fancy restaurant tonight

i still despise valentine

Friday, February 09, 2007

first day at work

new working environment...
should be very interesting
nah....i should let go all my stupid dreams
how can work place be somewhat interesting

i'm the youngest in my new (temporary) office, and when i say the youngest; that means all my colleagues are waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy older than me, most of them aren't only on their 30s, i think they're old enough to be my father. well the my female coworkers are not that old, they probably in their 30s *have no interest in talking this group of coworkers*

never thought that working can be this boring...nothing to do and no "view" at all, well my manager is not bad *he's 30++ i guess* dark skin, tall, quite cute face...BUT *there's always a but* he's already married and he has one daughter and expecting another one; so he's just another good-looking straight *wiping away my tears....*
well...better continue my work (pretending to be busy), my boss is wandering around, trying to make sure that he doesn't waste any money by hiring us

Monday, February 05, 2007

eh kamu?!?!?!!

dia pelanggan setia di perpustakaan, tiap pagi dateng trus blajar di lantai 2, lantai tempat g kerja. mejeng di situ ampe perpus tutup jam 6. tiap ari liat dia di tempat yg sama, di ujung pojokkan situ.

ari ini kita ktemu lagi di toko stationery, g liat dia, dia liat g...g yakin dia kenalin g, vice versa. tapi g yg abis kerja seharian uda ga ada minat berbasa basi lagi deh, jadi ya akhirnya g cuek2 aja. ternyata dia yg mulai tanya2 duluan...

dia ga ganteng, dia ga keren...begitu jg g....g ga ganteng, g jg jauh dari keren. jadi intinya kita 2 manusia biasa2 aja yg tiap ari ktemuan di tempat yg sama tapi ga pernah bertutur kata, dan tiba2 ktemuan di spot yg berbeda dan dia berusaha memulai conversation; tanya ini itu...tapi ya sperti yg uda g sebut di atas, g uda terlalu males n capek buat berbasa-basi, jadi ya jawaban2 g ya seenak jidat g deh.

mungkinkah dia ada minat ama g?? ato emang g nya aja yg ke-gr-an???
smoga besok dia berusaha lebih keras deh buat memulai conversation....gimana pun jg g perlu tau apakah g masih attractive...