Wednesday, July 19, 2006

ga habis pikir....

tadi pagi waktu kerja g sempet baca koran (dalam bahasa inggris tentunya), rencana seh mau baca berita soal gempa di pangandaran *deepest condolences for the victims*...dan emang ternyata berita itu dimuat di koran2 (China Post dan Taiwan News) itu, tapi selain baca berita soal bencana, g jg menemukan salah satu berita yg cukup mengagetkan; sampe2 kepikiran terus ampe sekarang....

lengkapnya silahkan baca sendiri:

Homosexual student files suit against parents, hospital

Man was forced to get psychiatric treatment after he revealed he was gay

A 22-year-old university student yesterday accused his parents of drugging him by lacing his cup of coffee in order to have him committed to a psychiatric ward after he told them he was gay.Having been kept against his will in Shin Kong Wu Ho-su Memorial Hospital's psychiatric ward for 56 days, Su decided to file a lawsuit against the hospital and his parents.

In addition to accusing the hospital of locking him up in the ward without a comprehensive diagnosis, Su charged his parents with interfering with his personal freedom and announced his intention to sever relations with them.

"Hereafter, what I do will have nothing to do with my parents." Su stressed in a written statement.

Su told a press conference yesterday that on April 29 he had had breakfast with his parents at a coffee shop. He had got up to use the lavatory, and on his return noticed some white powder on the rim of his coffee cup but, thinking nothing of it, drank his coffee. Shortly after he fell into a torpor and was taken to Shin Kong Hospital.

Su claimed that on his way to the hospital, even though he was feeling faint, he heard a doctor telling him: "Your father put drugs in your coffee but it is all for your own good."

The hospital then locked him up in a psychiatric ward claiming he was suffering from bipolar disorder and hallucinations, without engaging in a proper diagnosis, the student said .

Su, who has been plagued with melancholia for more than a year, noted that after his parents found out he was gay in April, they asked Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital to force him to take undergo treatment, a day after he had seen a doctor in the hospital for his melancholia.

Wan Fang doctors refused saying they did not believe Su needed to stay in hospital to receive treatment, casting doubt on the reasoning behind his 56-day incarceration at Shin Kong.

He eventually left Shin Kong Hospital after his parents were persuaded by doctors that he was fit to be discharged, said Su.

To prove that he was not mentally unstable, after leaving Shin Kong, Su obtained certificates of diagnosis from Taipei City Hospital and National Taiwan University Hospital both of which said he was mentally sound was and was not behaving unusually.

Meanwhile, Democratic Progressive Party Lawmaker Huang Wei-cher asked how a man could be forced to remain in a psychiatric ward prior to a thorough diagnosis and called for reforms to the regulations and system governing patients with mental disorders.

According to Shin Kong's case history Su had been in the hospital for a couple of days, without any attempt at diagnosis having been made. Then, on May 1, he was suddenly deemed to be suffering from bipolar disorder on May 1, Huang said.

The lawmaker said that only doctors could diagnose whether or not someone is suffering from mental illness and whether or not a patient needs to stay in hospital, stressing that professional doctors should not bee misled by hysterical parents.

The Department of Health noted that under current law, patients suffering from mental illness can be forced to undergo treatment only when there is a proven risk that they might injure themselves or others. And even then, this must be assessed by at least two psychiatrists.

Huang emphasized that the Health Bureau under Taipei City Government has promised to investigate whether or not Shin Kong Hospital violated the law.

However, Shin Kong and Su's parents have thus far both refused to respond to Su's allegations. According to local media, after the press conference, Su's mother barred her son from the house.

Su claimed that the sentence "parents forced me to stay in hospital" was written clearly in his case history from Shin Kong Hospital.

He said that his family could not understand why he was gay, which caused tension in his relationship with his parents.

Su added that his parents had applied for a temporary suspension of schooling for him, and that he hoped that the Ministry of Education would allow him to resume his studies now it had been proven that he was not suffering from mental disorders.

by Chang Ling-yin
Taiwan News, Staff Reporter
Page 3
2006-07-18 12:00 AM

bener2 ga nyangka bisa ada kejadian gini, g ga tau yg salah orang tua nya ato anaknya...yg pasti g ga mendukung pihak mana pun. meski g merasa orang tuanya keterlaluan, tapi tetep aja tuh anak jg tega bgt, masa orang tua sendiri di tuntut...gila aja

yah sebagai seorang gay yg masih dalam tahap bertumbuh dan bersosialisasi, g merasa klo pihak orang tua memang sableng; masa anak baru kluar dari lemari malah dipaksa masuk rsj. uda bagus tuh anak mau ngaku n jujur, g aja ampe skarang blon ngaku *meski pengen bgt ngomong sejujurnya*. apakah penilaian masyarakat terhadap kita2 (para homosexual) masih segitu kolotnya?? apakah kita mengidap penyakit??? apa emang kita bisa disembuhkan?? klo menurut g, pertanyaan yg lebih tepat itu; apakah kita perlu disembuhkan???

tapi dari sudut yg berbeda, apa si anak patut menuntut orang tuanya?? jujur g sendiri ga bisa masuk ke kategori anak yg berbakti...tapi apa tega yah nuntut orang tua sendiri?? darah daging sendiri yg uda lahirin, merawat, mendidik kita dari cm bisa nangis ampe skarang...mungkin mereka emang ga bisa ngerti kita, mungkin jg mereka ga rela anaknya berbeda dari yg laen ato mungkin mereka belum bisa menerima kita apa adanya...mereka memang orang tua kita, tapi mereka jg manusia, ga mungkin bisa bebas dari kesalahan.


Anonymous said...

setau gw, homoseksualitas diakui dunia medis bukan sebagai penyakit, bukan jg suatu kelainan mental. melainkan suatu bentuk keragaman manusia.

in any case, sableng banget 2 pihak. tp gw rasa kl gw jadi anaknya, gw mungkin (dan hanya mungkin) dapat bertindak sama. bayangin aja, lu dibuang ama bonyok lu. ini gak ada bedanya sama bayi2 yg dibuang ama ortu2nya. yg membedakan cuman bahwa lu dibuang pada saat lu dah bisa bernalar. efeknya tentunya lebih dramatis.

di lain pihak, gw jg setuju ama akhir tulisan lu.

in the end, gw rasa ortunya harus diberi pendidikan, sementara anaknya perlu diberi pengertian. tp yg dilakukan ortunya ke anaknya gw rasa itu bisa dianggap tindakan kriminal.


Anonymous said...

inggrisnya lucu
koran mana sih

-luna tique

Anonymous said...

mosyo olloh. hoho. gawat nih mah. segitunya kah?

Anonymous said...

nggak nyangka, ada kejadian kayak gini.
beruntungnya gue yang akhirnya "hanya jadi" bom waktu yang siap meledak setiap saat.

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
